Few hidden tips and tricks in Python that can help you enhance your programming skills


  1. Underscore (_) as a Placeholder: In Python’s interactive shell, you can use the underscore character as a placeholder to access the result of the last executed expression or statement. This can be handy for quick calculations or accessing previous values.
  2. Unpacking Elements: Python allows you to unpack elements from a list or tuple into separate variables with a single line of code. For example, if you have a list [a, b, c], you can assign the values to separate variables like x, y, z = [a, b, c].
  3. Swapping Variables: You can swap the values of two variables without using a temporary variable by utilizing tuple packing and unpacking. The following one-liner does the trick: a, b = b, a.
  4. List Comprehensions: List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists based on existing lists. They can be used to perform operations on each element of a list and filter elements based on specific conditions. List comprehensions can often replace for loops and make your code more compact.
  5. Context Managers: Python’s with statement allows you to create context managers. Context managers simplify resource management, such as file handling, by automatically managing the setup and teardown operations. They ensure that resources are properly released, even if exceptions occur.
  6. Enumerate(): The enumerate() function is a helpful tool for iterating over a sequence while also keeping track of the index of each element. It returns an iterable of tuples containing the index and the corresponding item.
  7. Slicing with Negative Indices: Python allows you to use negative indices when slicing lists or strings. For instance, my_list[-1] retrieves the last element, my_list[-2] retrieves the second-to-last element, and so on. This can be useful when you need to access elements from the end of a sequence.
  8. The collections module: Python’s collections module offers specialized data structures beyond the built-in types. For example, Counter provides a convenient way to count elements in a list, defaultdict automatically creates missing keys with a default value, and deque is a double-ended queue with efficient appends and pops.

These are just a few hidden tips in Python, but the language is vast and full of additional features waiting to be explored. Keep coding and discovering new ways to improve your Python skills!

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